2006-11-13 go food network

date night this weekend involved a quick nap, a trip to the smitten kitten, it's greek to me, and lots of home time. twas very nice and i just want more. more more more. tonight is dinner with my ladyfriend and her mom who is still getting used to whole homo thing. i am trying not to get nervous, but i am a little. i know it will go well, but still...
my cousin from israel was in town for a minute this weekend, so he had my attention friday night and saturday day. unfortunately having my attention involved old navy shopping and assorted other shopping. i am not a shopping fan, but when you have overseas guests you must appease.
and then sunday i relaxed, tried to let my back fix itself (it's been broken for a few days), and watched some iron chef america.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
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