2005-12-19 no bareback for me

after all that planning i never made it to the bareback movie, and i hear from all you lucky people that made it to opening weekend that i really missed out. my first snafoo was with michael who was playing the i'm too cheap to go to a real movie even then it was only three more dollars that the $2 movie we ended up going to (weatherman, bad) and then we snuck in to the lord of war for free (also bad - plus a nick cage overdose) plus he said that if he was going to see it he was going to wait for his gf, my second snafoo was with naomi who said she would see it with me but kept sucking me into long scrabble games trying unsuccessfully to take me down and my third snafoo was with my mother who also wanted to see the movie but insisted on waiting for my father and telling me that "we will get to see a lot of movies over break" (did not make me feel better about missing this one). i almost just ran off to it on my own yesterday but decided that since i did have the option have hanging out with a real live person i may as well take it and hope that it works out for me and bareback in the near future.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11