2005-06-24 bad behavior

i might be tutoring an ESL student SAT test prep about 10 hours a week. i'm going to meet with the director of the school probably early next week. i think that might be fun. i hated the SAT, but tested fairly well. especially on the verbal. poor kid that has me as a math intstructor, but i'm sure if i honed my skills a bit i'll be fine. plus i'm a better teacher than tester. so it'll be good. now that i heard back and the director wants to meet i want to get things going. he emailed me just a minute ago and already i'm like alright lets get on with it already. i think we should start after the fourth of july. that is what is ideal for me. so here's hoping.
i took sarah to the airport this am. she is always leaving. coming and going. does she have add? just kidding. she's just a bit restless. i get it.
oh so i'm excited for noho sunday. and otherwise i'm around. just hanging out. me and magoo. no more clyde and chloe since bonnie's been off school. she spends more time with them which means i hardly see them. and it's sad. but the good news is that chloe is spending less time in her box. she even sleeps around the house. lots of freedom. woooh. hope she can handle it. i'd hate to see her go back to her box for bad behavior.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11