2005-06-27 we're in business

gman was good. i had fun in noho. saw my favorite J! and she was charming per usual. had a yummy smoothie. it was quite hot and apparently hailing and storming twenty miles away in Amherst. M! saw a tree explode. mm was tired from beer and working and no sleep, but she still loved her gmen. j was a good travelling partner. magoo was nice and comforatable in her air conditioned room while i was away. still annoyed about having to buy or buy a share of a refrigerator. wondering when i'll get over that. hoping the esl tutoring meeting goes well on wednesday. feeling confident about that. wheelock may be interested in me as a teacher. that would be sweet! thinking about another masters? try for the phd? reading middlesex. enjoying it. thinking about staying in the ac all day. til i retrieve my world travelling girlfriend who doesn't stay put, and who people think may have moved out of boston. she will be around for a cameo appearance tomorrow. a one day only sale. but i will not take any money. so stop your bidding. a brother and sister get married in middlesex. and although i think the circumstances they were in sort of allowed for such a thing to happen, i think of my brother and say yeah that's not a good idea. it just doesn't seem like a good idea. no wonder the sister stops having sex with the brother eventually. she thinks it's too weird. and their "crime" haunts her. i'm not sure if it was technically a crime. that's why the "". anyway, oh yeah so my big idea as of late is to start up an independent movie theater in JP. i think the market is there. it would bring in a lot of revenue to JP. and i could manage/run it, decide on films, run film festivals. show midnight movies. make popcorn. i think that would be sweet. i just want one theater. that's it. not asking too much. and it should be on centre street. or very nearby. i will start drafting my business plan.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11