2005-06-23 trouble

i'm remembering today that i like ben folds. i was considering putting on beck, but the album i have on my computer is the biggest downer/breakup album that i've ever heard. so i chose the more uplifting ben folds. which is going well.
well i'm finally going to see the famous girlyman band this sunday. i am interested to see what is worth all this hoopla. just stop me if i become a girlyfan that checks the bulletin. no offense mm. i just don't want to be a bulletin checker. but i promise to keep an open mind. plus i liked the latest cd i heard. and i always have liked shows at the iron horse. so you have a lot going for you gman. plus i like noho and amherst. and mm and jn. so it'll be an all around good sunday.
i'm still mad at itunes for giving me a software update that seems to be malfunctioning. damn you.
i will once again be single this weekend and most of next week. so we'll see what kind of trouble i can get into. too bad i'm not much for trouble. except the ray l. song trouble. i'm into that kind of trouble.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11