2008-05-12 go with it

the weekend started out slow. i rented a movie and got chinese food for myself for friday night. and i never got to the movie. partially because i talked to toni and she said that 27 dresses (the movie i rented) sucked so i found myself getting caught up in the food network instead. saturday i didn't do much during the day. more food network while i was thinking about how i should really get up and clean up my room or something. i finally got going and made it over to my parent's and had these big plans of making soup for toni and i for dinner and got as far as a scrabble game with my mom. then toni and i met at my place and spent some time laying around before we got up and at em for some pizza luce. sunday was mom's day that involved brunch (before which i actually did do some cleaning), and a pottery tour (i got an awesome bowl, i'm very pleased), then dinner with the gaggle and lastly some poker. twas busy there toward the end of the weekend but all fun stuff so i have no complaints, except that i'm hella tired coming into the week but that seems to be the case no matter how my sunday goes so i'm just going to go with it.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11