2007-08-15 food and dance

last night was eat the hottest hot hot szechuan food with the israelis but the funny thing is that we had to order spare ribs for the kids (who called it red chicken) and sesame chicken without the sesame and without the sauce. so there definitely was some bland food available. i stuck to the hot stuff though. test my palate sort of night. then there were threats about going for ice cream but i was relieved when the israelis wanted to go to a movie instead because i didn't think my stomach could take any more. i didn't go to the movie though because i wouldn't have been home til midnight which is far too late on a school night. tonight is the last night with them. dunno what the plan is yet but i dvr ed so you think you can dance so i can catch it tomorrow.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
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