2007-05-09 go

so i switched to a new work schedule and so far i like it because i get a later bedtime and a more relaxed morning but the half hour between 4:30-5 that i would be gone but instead i am at work is dragging! dragging. mostly because i'm sleepy. i nearly fell asleep during lunch today on the grass. i know this because i think i snored myself awake. and i've been fighting sleep off the rest of the afternoon. not good. i have have have to get some groceries and assorted other items but i am unsure i have the energy for the trip. but something other than the not much that i have at home sounds good for dinner... soup. i think soup. i'm all about soup lately. i have cavities. my dentist told me yesterday. not very much fun. i will have to go see her again next week. and again after that. yikes. tomorrow night is natalia zukerman at ginkgo. hopefully some people know her around here. i would feel bad for her otherwise. she can be like the weepies and draw this paltry crowd the first visit here and then sell out the place when she comes back. that was madness. anyway, looking forward to said show. almost time to go! wooo.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11