2006-07-30 plan

it has been hot hot hot here in hot town
it's been high nineties if not 100 degrees for the last many days.
i can't take it, so i stay inside with the ac. it is the summer version of hibernating i guess.
if my mom asks me what my friends think about the israel situation one more time i'm going to have to accuse her of having alzheimers because it is like the millionth time she's asked it today. of course i don't really talk about it with my friends, at least not in length. i am sure that the majority of my friends would see it as a very unfortunate situation. and hope that the violence subsides, as do i. i am not so sure why my mother is so concerned with what my friends think.
i have a dr apt this week. not so much looking forward to that but i suppose it is a good idea.
my brother had a good scrabble game today. apparently there is a such word as LEAVERS which was his big scrabble. no good. i had a mediocre game but my poor mother couldn't get more than 10 points per turn. sad day for her. and my pops was sick today. i guess it might have had something to do with the korean food they had last night but my mom was okay so they don't really know...
netflix delivered me the israeli film Ushpizin mid-week last week but i can't bring myself to watch it. i know it says it's an uplifting type film but i think i still believe it will be depressing just based on the country that it came out of. i will make another attempt to watch it tonight.
it is nearly a year since i left boston. i believe i will be making a trip there either in august or september at the latest. the best will be if i can get there for katey's bday bbq. that is the mid-august tentative plan.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11