2006-02-17 worth noting

i have to post this before i forget
because i always always always forget my dreams
but last night in my subconsious state i made a trip to ann arbor to visit sarah because i was worried about her. and we sat in her mom's library and talked, like we used to do when i was there, and her mom was on the computer, per usual, participating. and it was nice. and friendly.
and then i go to the kitchen to get some water and there was a little bbq like party going on, and this girl keeps looking at me. first of all i didn't even know there was a party going on. but second of all i was getting the hard core stares. finally i'm like, hi, i'm liora, sarah and i were together for a few years. and then sarah comes in, almost in horror that i have interracted with this girl, and the girl tells sarah that i have to go. to avoid a scene i begin to make my exit, noting a look of horror on mommy weinstein's face, and i give sarah a wink, and call this girl who is terribly possessive various obsenities and then i leave.
very interesting dream life i had. i remember my dreams like once every three or four months so i thought this was worth noting.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11