2005-10-02 must sleep

just finished performance at Balls Cabaret

for pictures go to:

very wired and very tired at the same time. thing starts at midnight at now it's three. had to caffeine up to make it this long. now wondering if i will ever sleep again. maybe some wine will do the trick to counteract all the coffee. good thing i have an iron stomach. what exactly is trans fat and how do you know what foods it is in? who else wants a hybrid car?i hear toyota is in on the hybrid business too and if i want hybrid suv that is the way to go. have my brother's song stuck in my head. could be worse. my friend dev always has showtunes stuck in her head. so i think i'm better off. kept many friends up very late tonight. must have good friends. i think married people go to bed early as a rule, so they are especially good friends if they are married and stay up until 3am for ten minutes of me and dan performing. i promised everyone that next time it would be at a reasonable hour. like eight. eight seems a lot more reasonable. now it's time to write some new songs. that is the next plan of action. as far as music goes in my life. ok starting to tire. must say goodbye.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11