2005-04-04 work it out

i sitting at a stall in the temple library waiting for sarah because my interview was only a half an hour and i think i nailed it even though it was quite short. i'm fully qualified, i think they liked me, and i just had a really good feeling about it. anyway i want to trader joes afterwards to waste some time before i picked up sarah but i was only able to waste about 25 minutes so now i'm writing in my diary at the shul.
one weird thing that happened this weekend is that somehow i injured my hand. it's weird. and i have internal bleeding i just know it. and yes, i do recognize that some days i'm a bit of a complainer. another thing that happened this weekend is that we had a pampering day and did pumices and gave attention to my toenails (which sarah informed me had been sorely neglected) and also we had face masks and hand scrubs and it was pretty luxurious. i've never gone to bed feeling cleaner and more attended too and then we slept for eleven hours which almost never happens when we sleep together. except sarah informed me that she was bridget jones 2 for about an hour last night and watched me sleeping.
also, my dad got some hot shop director job and his office will be right near the house, plus he has a home office, plus he will be travelling all over including the boston area. so i'm interested in seeing how that all works out.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11