2005-02-12 hebrew nationals, bukowski and ignatious o'reilly

the cool thing about being an adult and having adult life skills, as sarah called them, is doing laundry in the kitchen in the eviro friendly laundry machine that is supposed to be able to dry things but is not
i think it's funny that sarah only likes kosher hot dogs when they are at my house. she says its because she likes them too much. that's how i feel about chocolate. and is why she is well stocked in chocolate and i am well stocked in hebrew nationals.
yesterday in the film sideways they referenced both bukowski and a confederacy of dunces. those are two quite random references i thought. but it makes for a literate film, and i enjoy that. i wonder why sideways gathered up the kind of mainstream attention that it did. it seems to me that it is a contemporary "on the road" in that it is a travel story with controversial portrayals of women. but it really depends on how you look at it because the men are not portrayed all that well in sideways either. and i'm really excited for the new woody allen to come out. when i saw the preview i nearly jumped out of my seat. it is called melinda and melinda, or something to that extent, and involves radha mitchell (high art), chloe sevigny (my gf), will ferrell, amanda peet and the guy that's in outcast. woh. woh woh woh. it's too much. i'm confused about why imdb says it's a 2004 movie though. because it seems to be coming out here in a month or so, and it's not 2004 anymore. oh well. those are the breaks.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11