2004-12-30 -

i find that i am getting more hits the more i update so i plan to update more to increase my hit level. what a plan, i know.
welcome to the new year. i'm hoping it's a good one. here is a short list of things i aspire towards in 2005:
A) i would like an apt, i'm not picky, just somewhere that i have a bed, a little bit of furniture, and a place i look forward to come home to
B) i would like to get into one of the two PhD programs I applied to. that might be asking too much but i really hope not.
C) i would like a job. nothing fancy. just something that helps to pay the rent and allows me to be a contributing member of society.
D) i would like to have some quality time with my lady friend. dates. valentines. maybe even next new year's together. and thanksgiving? or is that asking too much. one or the other would probably appease my holiday needs. both would really be something.

you know, that's all i really have right now. some big things. some not as big. we'll see how i do. now you all can keep tabs on my progress.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11