2004-11-26 my thanks

i got more drunk this thanksgiving than i have since i've been here. i'm not really sure what that's about. i just lost track somewhere in there and next thing i know the blasting music hurts my poor drunken head and things are spinning and another game of apples to apples seems like torture. which shows how big a hit it was because i couldn't get my friend to stop playing. i was like, hello, i have a headache and i have to go home. they were like, you're going to take our fun?
wait? i thought I was the fun? anyway, they got really hooked. really really hooked. and then i had to come home from a cabride where i was fairly sure i would lose my own apples at any moment, walk up the sidewalk slowly so i could breath in the fresh rainy air, to collapse in my bed wishing i never picked up a martini and thinking that i never would again. i popped some pills including tylenol (at adrians but it didn't work), advil (at home), a sleeping pill (to put me out of my misery), codeine (just to make sure) and then i was like who is going to find me if i never wake up and i've taken too many pills? of course i woke up feeling nearly 100%, and i should with all the pills i popped. and now it's today.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11