2004-04-24 quiet time

sometimes i feel lonely

and i have no reason to

like today

i had work to do that i avoided

and work to do that i actually did

and things i needed to get done that i did

and after the day is over

i know there are people who care about me

and want to talk to me

but know i'm busy so don't call

and it makes me feel lonely

i was lonely watching tv tonight

but it passes

i'm not lonely here, i've got plenty of people and enough to do

it gets quiet when it's just me in my room

it's quiet here

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11