2008-12-23 plan

the most painful thing about toni leaving is the long goodbye. we drag it out because we want to spend time together but a lot of it is focussed on her leaving and it is really draining. i wouldn't do it any other way. but, it is hard. she said last night that she thinks everything is going to be okay with us. that's so nice to hear. she said she's not anxious about our relationship. she's anxious about her trip and packing and lots of other things but not our relationship. i want to put that in my pocket and carry it around for the next three and a half months. and try to remember that it's going to be okay. her sister and husband and quinn the baby and her gma are all going to be moving back to mn in june. if that is not a reason for her to plant herself here for some time i don't know what is. so, we'll see. we've been doing so well. i've become more a part of her life with her friends and with her family. we're moving and grooving and growing. both of our therapists independently say we're doing very well. so i'll try to hold on to all that goodness for the next while. that's the plan.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11