2007-03-23 hoohaw

sleepy sleepy sleepy
last night we went to see the soweto gospel choir and it was quite a bit of fun. and a late night. not super super late. but later than normal school nights.
which makes me wish i could go home about now but alas it is not in the cards. i will go home in the near future though.
it is spring! a beautiful spring day. 60 degrees. and crazy beautiful. a nice day for a walk. or reading on the grass. or anything outside just about. i believe tonight is dinner with a's mom and a. this should be fun. and this weekend comes more fun with a. maybe a trip to the new homo bar. maybe a visit with baby riley. definitely brunch because we skipped out last week. and assorted other hoohaw. good fun.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11