2007-02-16 weekend excellence

last night i met the friend of toni (heather) who is super cool and friendly. we made her toni's mom's famous pesto and salad. the salad is not as famous. but it was yummy. we were going to watch grey's but the time got away from us and next thing we knew it was being recorded old school style (vcr) and we would have all had to cuddle in my bed to watch it. so toni and i watched it later. i don't think heather minded. she didn't strike me as being as addicted to it as we are. although i do have to say, these last few episodes... i told antonia last night that i think they must have fired their best writer. so hopefully they will soon realize the error of their ways and hire back that smart witty writer they had and get rid of the scary man with the voice over that was like "NEXT WEEK, watch as Meredith is on the brink of death...duh duh duh." Yeah, wow, not the Grey's we love and remember. Anyway, in other news, I slept in today. Don't tell my gf because she somehow got herself out of bed in the early six o'clock hour (which appeared to be quite a feat). I, however, when it was my turn around seven, called my James (boss man) and told him I'd be in by 10. The slacker I am. Oh well. I am so excited for the weekend and no more work for a few days. This will be excellent!

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11