2006-11-23 if only

oh turkey day

i was in a crappy mood last night. i had volunteered to go help cook for thanksgiving at my parents house only to get there and discover that they finished all the cooking in the daytime. which would be fine. but then, they were talking about making dinner for the 4 of us but everyone was either cleaning the house or sleeping and time was passing and nothing was happening and i was getting more and more annoyed because although lying down for some time did appease me i started to get antsy and want something to happen (i didn't go over there for a nap, and i didn't feel like a nap when i got there, and that and cleaning seemed to be my two options). i reminded my parents that i'm the only one that cleans at my own house and that means that when they need some extra cleaning assistance they should call on brother daniel. and i think that worked. i'm not so sure, but i did tell them after dinner (which finally got made) that if they let me go now i'd promise to be in a much better mood for thanksgiving. and then i got home and started to relax. i think i just needed to be alone for a few minutes. also i think i got anxious/upset because i was being told the guest list for thanksgiving and all the kids (my age or so) have their significant others in town for this event and i just got jealous that mine couldn't come to ours but i also understand that she is living with her family and of course they want/expect her to be there. i just got this like, if only... feeling. and then a little down because i don't get to have my if only scenario. but even last night i came out of the minor funk i was in and today i feel a lot better and ready for turkey day. hello day.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11