2006-06-28 grand

i am the first one into the office today
this means i get to putz around online until i get some company
this is okay with me
i am a little sleepy today but i brought caffeine reinforcements
my bro borrowed my car last night and even though he was being a twit about not doing me one little favor he did buy me a toothbrush as requested and gave me and my car more gasoline than we were expecting, so that was a nice surprise to see first thing in the morning.
so there is the rest of this week at work, and then monday at work, and then tues is july fourth which is off, and then i work wednesday, and then wednesday night i am off for winnipeg. i am looking forward to getting out of here. i haven't been on much of a vacation or even much of a mini-vacation except short stints to northfield since the end of last august when i said goodbye to boston and the age of mini-vacations in the greater northeast. anyway, winnipeg has missed me, i know, and i winnipeg. so we will have a nice reunion and i will relax and listen to good music and hang out with my friends and it will be grand.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11