2006-03-21 mogadishu in my air space

apparently i work in mogadishu
according to a lady at my bus stop
what is it about busses that bring out the crazy in the crazies?
so anyway, she comes over, there is a big bus overhang, and just me there, and she stands right directly exactly precisely next to me. nearly touching. weird. so i move over. then she waits about thirty seconds to a minute, and begins talking to me. i really don't know about what. i was smiling and nodding a lot. i caught that she met some guy and he gave her his wrong address three times (physical or virtual i'm not sure) and then finally gave her the right one and now she wants me to tell her if she should be with him anyway. maybe i can ask your advice. she says. mind you i'm taking one ear of my headphones on and off during this entire exchange, because i can't seem to commit to either, not sure if she will start up again. and then at the end she declares that we are in mogadishu, oh and something about the two of us fighting when the bus finally comes. about what i'm not sure. but i have no intention of fighting her or anyone else for that matter.
and then, on my walk home, two punk kids thought it would be funny to throw a snowball at me. lucky for me their snow didn't really stick together and by the time it got to me i hardly noticed that anything had really happened except there was some whiteness floating around my air space.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11