2006-02-26 it is

tonight, because i am a good daughter and fell prey to the whims of a mother who has a birthday this week, i attended the yearly tradition at the University of Minnesota entitled "The Latke-Homentashen Debate". this involved four prestigious and well renowned professors making a lot of stuff up about the amazing quailities of said Jewish food items, and their historical significances, at the same time debasing the not as great qualitities of the food items that acted as opponents. now, while my mother and father and even my brother found this all very amusing, i however, was not that thrilled. don't get me wrong, some of the plays on words, puns, and inside jokes i found to be very clever. but an entire evening devoted to this was really not for me. regardless, i chuckled here and there, tried to be a good sport, and then bolted the hell out of there when it was deemed socially appropriate, which was about an hour after i would have preferred to have left. i think i did good on the whole though, just my presense brought the average age of attendence down at least twenty years, i gave my mom the wonderful gift of a scrabble dictionary, and all in all put in a good showing. the rest of my weekend involved many many errands, lots and lots and lots of coffee, good food with good friends, and watching beer brewing become something that happens at home (which i'm not convinced is such a good idea - even though i sampled a beer and it much exceeded my expectations), and somehow i've managed to already booked up for next weekend. which is a very strange thing. i'm never booked up a week in advance. but oh well, it is what it is.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11