2005-12-12 remind me

for the next few days i lucked out and get to come in to work at 9:30 as opposed to my 7:45 standard routine. this is good news for me and my sleeping habits. last night, due to the weekend and getting a bit off track with sleeping i only managed to get 4 plus hours. so having the extra time tomorrow morning will be very welcome. and within the next month or so (it is slow going because of the holiday season) i am due to get a promotion. the lady i work for was really nice, encouraged me to apply for any position that i am interested in, and even went so far to say that if by chance it didn't work out (which she said it probably won't get that far) she does have connections throughout the rest of the school and she is more than willing to give me a recommendation and get me in the door somewhere. which i thought was high praise. and on top of that news of the day, my friend nsg passed all the required tests to be a real lawyer now and make the big bucks and represent people in court and all that jazz. and i am so ridiculously happy for her. hopefully i won't get into any legal binds and be forced to illicit her free advice.
and and and my friend from d.c. is coming in town this week and that will be excellent.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11