2005-07-27 magoo in lockdown

not much going on online these days
i used to spend hours perusing, but lately it's just a half hour or so
i have hella laundry but it's too hot to launder
it might be too hot for softball
or maybe to rainy for softball
it's unclear
sw left this am without me even waking up. i must have been sound asleep. i usually am not such a hard sleeper. it's probably because earlier in the evening magoo was sleeping on my feet and i was waking up every twenty minutes trying to get comfortable. that all culminated in her nipping at my feet, at which point i decided that she no longer deserved to sleep on my feet and asked sw to remover her. which she did dutifully. only for magoo to return a minute later. then when i rinally awoke for good ab tells me that magoo was locked outside my door meowing to come in about an hour before i awoke and that she let her in. which i also didn't notice. sound sleeper am i. and how did magoo get locked out in the first place? very strange.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
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