2005-06-16 share my ideas with the wealth

i just heard from my temp people and i might have an interview in a temp=hire position at harvard. it's admin but i can move up and around in there. and i think that would be sweet! atleast until i figure out what i'm doing with my life. and maybe they'll let me take classes. i want to take classes. it's hard been off of school and work. so i'm just waiting on a phone call and then maybe i'll get something set up. shame it has to be psg. but if it's temp to hire then it doesn't have to be through them forever. which is ideal.
also, ct was fun. ikea was fun. new haven was cooler than i imagined. yale was less suburban than i thought. our bandb was super swanky. and the country day school was captain swanky town. sarah is captain huff and puff (wink). she said i had to write that down somewhere so i'd remember. because i keep forgetting what i said. there is a kid eating a giant sunday at emacks. and i'm not jealous. not hungry. i had soup for lunch.
tomorrow is career resource day. maybe i will have an interview at harvard. i'd like that. my parents would like that too. especially my mom. my uncle had a minor stroke. my cass lost her baby (miscarriage). my grandma seems to be stable, so my mom says. my uncle is forgetting things. my cass is very sad. my grandma has been forgetting things for years. i'm just saying random things now. i better get off the coffee. Never! I have a pendulum in my brain that controls my thoughts. My dream job is to the be the chair person of the New Haven festival of Arts and Ideas. Maybe I should get into the field of running festivals. How does one do that? I'll just have to get this job at Harvard and then I can run the festival of ideas. Or or or I'll just run my own festival of ideas. I do that in my head everyday, so I may as well share the wealth.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11