2005-05-19 beware of hot dogs

i'm back at my favorite finnish bakery again today. i have the sniffles. so i spent most of the morning playing baseball and playing with the pups. chloe didn't want me to play baseball today. she wanted all my attention. so i had to play with her between innings. that's cool. i have a hard time saying no to that pup. today i should be receiving the final disc of the gilmore girls season. i tried to get some crossing jordan on netflix but that seems to be a problem. as it doesn't seem to exist on netflix. which i find fishy. but what do i know? if any of you co-netflix people can find crossing jordan listed, let me know. until then, it will be a mystery to me. i was almost about to start my 24 marathon, but there is a short wait for the first disk. so i decided to try out popular and mr. show instead. and then i'll continue with whichever i like better. i was all set to get some serious flix like nowhere from africa and vera drake but then i saw Crash with sarah and J! last night and i've had enough with serious/intense movies for a while. maybe forever. that movie was crazy intense. at one point i looked over at sarah and she was sobbing, and that was before anything really really serious happened. that's how intense we're talking here people. so beware.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11