2005-04-25 the flat in time

tomorrow i fly back from mn to boston
hopefully i'll get there
my dad has some meeting so he tried to enlist our friend naomi oken (really my mom's friend but also a family friend) but she always always always runs late so i might not make it after all. i hope all you boston people are ready to come to MN, cause i may be here indefinitely.
i am ready to see my puppies again. i wish that my roommate didn't like them so much so i could sleep with them like when she was out of town. i also hope my roomate appreciates the cleaning that i did of the apartment from top to bottom before i left town. i did a great job considering the weather was like 80 degrees, which in my opinion is not good cleaning weather and i had a spring cold on top of that.
i'm also ready to see magoo, the troublemaker cat who has been peeing everywhere she isn't supposed to. she is more cuddly than my friend naomi's cat Prudence. Prudence is beautiful and interesting, but she is not so much interested in cuddling. She has to see the things, and make some trouble. That's pretty much what she does with her time.
I wish I had some DVDs for my flights back. But alas Netflix did not come through this time around.
I am willing the Federal Government to send me my refund. Not because I desperately need it at this moment, but because I really want it.
And last I am looking forward to seeing Sarah again even though she has interviews and has to work right away and I'm going to Portsmouth. But I'm sure we'll catch up with each other in no time flat.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11