2005-03-22 you know why

today was a very fast paced day. so many people were in line that i only took a half hour for lunch. even though i had a punk visiting from down the road. that sucked some. but oh well. now i'm just looking forward to getting outside again. which i will in a an hour an a half. but the last bit of the day is quite slow. but i don't mind. i need to job hunt anyway. today is tuesday but for some reason it feels like later in the week already. i keep thinking it's wednesday. i can't wait for the weekend. i like weekends now more than i have in a while. the weekend didn't mean much for some time, but now it means sleep and fun. i like sleep and fun. i also like money. and limosines. and the new york times. and netflix. i think netflix should pay me. i'm such a promoter it's ridunkulous. i don't like the word welp. especially when it's used in any other fashion than it is properly defined. some words i have no problem with there reappropriations but not welp. welp is welp and that's that. and i'm done. and you probably can tell that i have more time on the computer than i used to. which means my brain is more fried and i ramble on about things people don't really care about. except i care. atleast a little. i miss my simmons professors. i have to visit them while i'm still temping nearby. maybe. maybe i'll wait til i have a real job to show off.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11