2005-02-04 a prize?

we talked about catching a matinee today but the day got a little bit out of our hands and we didn't really make it out, although we are on our way out later for games at al's new place in newton. i like that al is both my friend and sarah's friend. i mean sarah knew her from library school but that doesn't seem to matter. the same thing happens with some of my friends but lately they don't seem to be around as much as they used to. or maybe we have so many shared friends nowadays that i don't notice the difference. that is a fun thing. i also heart nick and jessica's show. i'm not sure what's so great about it but it is so amazingly terrible that is impossible to turn away from. but not in the same way that it is impossible to turn away from a car crash. but in the way that it is... wait maybe i can't explain it afterall.
earlier today sarah and i were relating all the pets that we have been around lately to humans we know famous or non or human characteristics. so there is magoo who is mostly just like sarah except a tad more docile. there is emigre (syds cat) who is just like rose from the golden girls. and tsowin (sp?) who is just a cranky old man (also syds cat). and then i live with clyde and chloe, and clyde is a clumsy older man, and chloe is just a young pup. her personality is still forming.
that may have been my longest posting in the history of diaryland. who will give me a prize?

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11