2005-01-23 -

let me tell you about the snow
1) i have no gloves, so i borrowed sarah's to go rescue her car
2) it is waist high
3) i got lucky because the guy next to me had a snowblower, so he helped with the front of the car
4) i wore two pairs of socks, my tennis shoes, two pairs of pants, two shirts, two jackets, a scarf, and sarah's gloves (one of which i lost in the shuffle, and i'm hoping to find before i have to go out and do it all again tomorrow.
5) this is the price of having a car in the city
6) i'm lucky the car is in JP and doesn't have to be moved right away, i'm also lucky sarah's apartment overlooks the street and i can see excactly what is going on out there. i consulted with a few neighbors and they said i don't have to move the car, just shovel it out. which i did. after one hour of heavy labor. and now i doubt sarah's roomate cyd has a prayer of getting back into the city from connecticut. the whole city will still be shut down tomorrow.
6) i'm hoping i still can figure out a way to retrieve sarah from the airport tomorrow and that the snow situation will be more manageable.
7) i made some tea, and now i have quite the post shovelling appettite.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11