2004-09-23 work in progress

sometimes it takes a lot to sit down to write
somtimes it takes a soda, a coffee, and another soda
to get the brain flowing, to get those juices going
i am caffeinated, carbonated, electrified
i imagine myself on that stage
and it�s not somewhere that i haven�t been before
i�ve had words with you before
i have the rhythm, the tone, the verve
to make you listen
i have whatnot to say
about this or that
it�s not about rape, abortion, or smack
russell simmons, good night and god bless to you too
i am succinct, just like you
i am the voice of the moment, i am the here and now
i am the writer, the poet, the musician
the artist, the stoner, the loner
i am on the stage, not for your entertainment
i need the rush, the hush of the crowd, the whir of the lights
there is silence in the noise that propels my words
i am the journeyman, the vagabond, the lover
i am the clock watcher, the revolutionist, the anarchist
i am the philosopher, i am your next door neighbor, i deliver your mail

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11