2004-06-22 going on

it's windy out here in minneapolis. i'm sitting outside at a wireless hotspot. i love wireless hotspots. i'm killing some time before i pick my brother up for dinner. wireless is good for me because there is just one computer at my parents house and my dad is often on it. so all i gotta do is hop in the car, buy a cup a coffee and i'm good to go. also, i enjoyed a nice big isles bun this morning with a cup of fresh squeezed oj with my buddy mikey. we used to go for isles buns every saturday morning. unfortunately it wasn't the freshest bun today on a tues at 11. between 7-9 am would have been much better but i was sleeping. and somehow i woke up with a cold today. it was quite unfriendly. i musta caught it at the wedding cause it got really chilly at night. i'm also ready for a nap. my cold or whatever it is makes me feel like i was run over by a bus. well either which way, it's still nice weather here. summer in the cities. mikey astutely commented that i probably won't live in boston the rest of my life, if i like it this much here. he's probably right, but i still enjoy boston and i must get back on two accounts. one is school and the other is my ladyfriend who i miss. either which way boston will have to show us a good time this summer. i would like to go to the hatch shell for a movie. maybe some other folks might wanna join me. at this point i'm just going on.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11