2004-06-11 all i have to say

i went to see coffee and cigarettes today and i didn't think it was very good. sometimes it is really painful watching non actors try to act. my other problem with it is that it was really slow. and had a lot of moments of silence. there was almost more silence than dialogue, which is not something i approve of.

things are shaping up, although i'm still tired of boston at the moment. i think that minnesota is going to be very rejunenating this time around. i haven't needed to be in minnesota this much in a very long time, i almost forgot what this feels like. i haven't missed anything like this in so long, partly because i haven't had a chance to stop and think as much as i have had this last month. i've had quite a bit of thinking time.

i spent a lovely evening with sarah tonight. that was also rejuvenating. it's good to know we still enjoy each others company. sometimes we just have to be reminded. tomorrow will be pride and then sunday will be HOME! HOME HOME HOME. yes! i am quite excited. i will give my mom and dad big hugs and tell them i missed them. and they will take us out to dinner, and to the movies, and i will take sarah to the mall of hell and show her the bone store and the hologram store and we will go to minnehaha falls and we will travel by car and we will be in a wedding, and then i will spend a few days recovering at home, and will return to boston as good as new, ready for my research and class to resume. and that's all i have to say.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11