2004-02-29 ladybug

we went candlepin bowling last night. the balls were little. and the pins were miniature too. and there were divots in both the balls and the lanes. so it felt very much like a game of chance. i made a slideshow. i'm a slideshow master.

i have reading to do but this weekend is pretty low key as far as school work goes.

my buddy mikey is coming to visit in march. that'll be cool. he's a boston newbie. i'll start thinking about things here he might enjoy. he enjoys cities, so i think i'm just going to show him around.

brunch was not a light topic yesterday. sarah and i talked about post simmons plans. yes i'm not sure we're done with that conversation yet. but i think it can't be done because we don't know exactly what's what where we will be etc. but i do want to be where my ladybug is, that i know.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11