2004-02-21 tumultuous

my friend mikey works at a really old school type drugstore. they still have the type of register that goes cha ching when it rings you up. it's really really loud. i don't know why he calls me when he is at said drugstore because half the time on the phone with him i spend listening to him ring up customers and that awful cha ching noise that really gets to me after a little while, especially with the beginnings of a headache that i seem to have collected along the way.

sarah woke up really upset this morning because she dreamt that i was cheating on her. what do you say to such a thing? i tell her that in her real life i'm not cheating and never would. but what's going on in her dream life that makes her imagine such things.

today we had an interesting brunch with stephanie and adrian. the thing is that i thought everything was fine, and the next thing i know stephanie is leaving the table in a huff and adrian is chasing after her (that seems to be a common theme in their relationship) and sarah and i are looking around saying what? what? what just happened here? they came back, talked it out some more. i don't know. i like adrian. and i like stephanie. but there are some serious issues there in the midst of things that need to be worked out. calm is okay, at least sometimes. i like the calm that sarah and i have in that regard. we certainly are not a tumultuous couple like the two of them.

my ex-coworker is in town tomorrow. i will show her around some of beantown. maybe newbury, maybe the north end, depending on how adventurous we feel.

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11