2003-11-20 a few minutes later...

i had a nice dinner tonight on the floor of my girlfriend's room

when i first started saying girlfriend it sounded funny but it doesn't anymore

i ate my pasta dinner for what felt like forever and i didn't even make a dent

i'm interested in this glbt synagogue thing we're going to on friday

i wonder what will happen when sarah and beth meet

i bet it'll be no big deal

sometimes i wonder what it would take for people to spontaneously combust

i wonder if such a meeting would qualify

maybe i will spontaneously combust

i bet out of the three of us i would be the person most likely to combust

i just used the word combust four times in four concurrent sentences

beth wants to get coffee after am tikva but i think that i want my last night with sarah for myself so i think that we'll have to nicely take a raincheck plus beth and i have plans at the ritz on sunday anyway

after this semester i probably will never want to see fight club or the matrix again

i have boys don't cry and brandon teena coming in the mail

i may not want to watch those after the semester is over either

i may need to sleep now

back & forth

Big life changing news - 2010-04-15
decided - 2010-04-06
Full month off - 2010-02-16
this will do - 2010-01-26
nyc new year - 2010-01-11